Many who agree that God is the Creator may disagree on the time of the original creation. God’s Creation Story presents the Gap Theory as the most likely scenario of creation. There are many reasons to believe that the original creation of heaven and earth is recorded in Genesis 1:1. God evidently created many creatures to live on the original earth through the eons of time. Fossils have been found in successive levels of sedimentary rock all over the earth. After a long gap of time, the earth became uninhabitable (possibly because of the sin of Lucifer). Genesis 1:2 describes that state of the earth as being without form and void. Just a few thousand years ago, God used the six days work to restore the earth to the home we enjoy today and created new life to live on it. This book uses Scripture and science to open up the window to that earlier time to prove we are a fairly young creation that is living on a very old planet. God is glorified through His creation story!

棋院の門を叩いたヒカルに“院生”たちの手荒い歓迎! “一組16位”…分厚い壁を勝ち抜けたなら、“院生”と若手プロが競うトーナメント戦の場で、アキラの前に立てる!? 目指すは…“若獅子戦”!! 千年の時渡る囲碁ロマン、待望の完全版化!

プロ試験を通過し、棋界に入ったアキラは、“新初段シリーズ”で王座・座間と初対局!! 一方、そのアキラの背を追うヒカルは、“院生試験”という棋界への最初の扉をくぐろうとしていた…!! 千年の時渡る囲碁ロマン、待望の完全版化!

夏の大会を終えたヒカルと佐為の前に現れる新たな世界、“インターネット”。正体不明の棋士“sa.i”の一手は“幽鬼”追う者たちに、“神の一手”求む者たちに、衝撃を走らせる――!! 千年の時渡る囲碁ロマン、待望の完全版化!

三谷、筒井、ヒカル、葉瀬中囲碁部は、中学夏季囲碁大会に挑む――! 待ち受けるは“最強”海王。アキラと対局で見合った刹那――ヒカルの胸にほとばしるのは押さえがたい想い…!! 千年の時渡る囲碁ロマン、待望の完全版化!