Wandering Wild By Jessica Taylor

I loved the romance aspect for Wandering Wild Spencer is such a sweet guy Tal can t be completely honest with him and she s a dangerous choice for him to hang out with Like Tal he isn t afraid to follow his heart though and they can t stay away from one another They re a special couple with a deep connection and plenty of chemistry. Wandering Wild is a creative story with unusual main characters I liked that very much I enjoyed reading about the wandering and conning Tal and Wen are both kind and lovely even though they take things from people I liked the variety of contrasts Jessica Taylor writes about them in fantastic sentences I loved Tal s voice and seeing the world through her eyes made me smile and cry at the same time She s really smart and has a clever worldview Jessica Taylor describes Tal s journey in a vivid and imaginative way She has a great writing style and I think Wandering Wild is an amazing book Young Adult Wandering WildLoved this debut Full review to come Young Adult From the moment I began reading WANDERING WILD.

Nothing major stood out. The pacing of the book felt slow at times but I enjoyed the overall development of the story We re always given bits and pieces of new information to go on whether it was the present condition of the Wanderers or the flashbacks of the pack s history The story arc was engaging enough to keep me reading I wanted to know what and where the end game was. Talia is a very pessimistic person but I loved her unapologetic attitude and cautious personality She comes off as strong but she s really just a girl searching for her way A way for her to be herself and do the things her heart desires I don t know what to believe in but I do believe in possibility eARC.

Loc 2848 Her bond with her brother Wen was so sweet Working in tandem they ran quite a few successful jobs Their combined quick wit also got them out of a few troubling situations Nothing stopped Talia from working towards earning her freedom and Wen was right there beside her. Spencer Sway was a great love interest He was brave and patient I love him so much for giving Talia a chance He saw the real her and didn t hesitate one bit It was cute to see him help her I love the relationship Tal forms with Spencer Dare I say the childhood connection they unknowingly shared drew them together It was really just a memory of a moment but it was special When they first meet.

Their relationship grew It became serious a lot than either of them could ve imagined and I 100% rooted for them. Some of the scams Talia and Wen ran were clever They played on people s most basic reactions and common senses Everyone s a little greedy even if most won t admit to it I totally learned a few tricks from this book Not that I d be using any of them but some are good to know in case I need to keep an eye out All in all I enjoyed Wandering Wild and its depiction of a Wanderer life I m a person who likes to stay in one place so I appreciate the perspective this book was able to convey It was refreshingly different so I say give it a read Young Adult A beautiful.

Jessica Taylor adores atmospheric settings dangerous girls and characters who sneak out late at night She lives in Northern California not far from San Francisco with a law degree she isn t using one dog and many teetering towers of books. A MAP FOR WRECKED GIRLS her first young adult contemporary thriller and a Junior Library Guild Selection will be published August 15 2017 by Dial Books for Young Readers Penguin Random House. com Jessica Taylor adores atmospheric settings dangerous girls and characters who sneak out late at night She lives in Northern California not far from San Francisco with a law degree she isn t using one dog and many teetering towers of books. A MAP FOR WRECKED GIRLS her first young adult contemporary thriller and a Junior Library Guild Selection will be published August 15 2017 by Dial Books for Young Readers Penguin Random House. com site_link Love the idea but this ended up not really being my cup of tea Young Adult I am devastated that Egmont s closing will delay the publication of this book one of my most anticipated of 2015 However the writer is extremely talented and I eagerly await news of its release from a different publisher Young Adult I loved Tal Wen and Spencer What a great group of complex characters Spencer was a great love interest Swoon worthy for sure He believed in Tal even though he had every right to distrust her Tal was a fantastic heroine She battled real emotions and moral dilemmas Wen another awesome character The whole bookstore situation was cute Paranormal or not I never could tell The conclusion of the book was satisfying and I am looking forward to reading by this author Five glittery stars Young Adult I received a copy from Netgalley In exchange for an honest review This was an okay read But I didn t love it I felt sorry for Talia as knowing the only way out of an arranged marriage was too raise a big amount of money in a short time would be awful This is why I could understand why she turned to conning people out of their money even though I didn t like it The pacing in this was a bit slow for me as apart from the cons there wasn t much happening. The ending was alright and I was glad that things worked out for Talia Young Adult Tal is a Wanderer Her younger brother Wen is the only family member she has left They re traveling from place to place with a group of people They are never safe and they need to make money for the camp leader Wen and Tal con people to get their much needed cash Not everyone in the camp is friendly and Tal always needs to look over her shoulder especially if she wants to protect Wen. Tal is sixteen years old and she doesn t go to school She likes the freedom of the wandering but that changes when she meets Spencer Spencer has a roof over his head and his parents earn a good living Tal would love to spend time with Spencer She knows she will have to go again though Is she willing to risk a broken heart for someone who isn t from her world a guy she inevitably needs to leave behind Wandering Wild is a beautiful story about a fierce wandering girl who lies steals and manipulates Tal doesn t have any problems to make people part with their cash She s good at what she does and she and her brother Wen have earned quite a bit of money Being with the Wanderers might seem like a free lifestyle but it actually isn t Wen and Tal have reasons to be scared and it broke my heart to read about them I had tears in my eyes when I read about their childhood It s heartbreaking I knew I was in for a treat The beautiful prose Jessica Taylor has created gave life to the most wonderful voice I had chills from page one because I felt as if I was reading something by Corey Whaley or Nova Ren Suma two authors whose books I absolutely adore Tal s voice and her life as a Wanderer is told so perfectly and yet the heart break you feel for her and the sibling relationship between her and Wen feel absolutely real. I have to admit that this is unlike anything I ve read before and I found myself devouring its pages until the very end It must be mentioned that Spencer Sway oh how I love his name has definitely placed himself into my top five YA love interests There are two very different worlds portrayed in this novel and how they come together is so very tragic but fascinating and wonderful all at once I truly enjoyed this book It s a must read for every fan of magic realism and YA lit Young Adult Wandering Wild has me at a loss for words It s a story that opened my eyes to another world I loved how different the story felt even if looking back at it it was all fun and easy with lots of banters and play mocking but gradually moving haunting and endlessly compelling debut novel The writing is so lush and assured and the characters are authentic and heartbreaking One of the loveliest romances I ve ever read and also a beautiful story about what it means to be true to yourself in the face of pressures and temptations. I love love love this book so much Young Adult Source I received a digital copy of this book for free on a read to review basis Thanks to Egmont USA and NetGalley I m in love with the sound of turning wheels My brother Wen says I m crazy He hears only the gravel kicking up on the battered doors of our Chevy Nothing else He doesn t hear what I do To me wheels sound like new places unknown riches They sound like possibility This was an interesting story about a gypsy girl who suddenly wasn t sure if wandering was what she wanted her future to be What if I won t marry him Your marriage has been contracted for years They gave good money for you The same way they d buy a truck a sandwich or a dog they bought me too Give it back then I liked Talia in this story and I felt quite sorry for her Her upbringing hadn t been average she had no mother or father and lived in constant fear of not being able to hustle enough money to feed herself and her brother When it also turned out she d be forced to marry someone she didn t want to marry because it had been arranged and she d been paid for I understood why she was desperate than ever to change her life You want to end the arrangement Talia you ll have to pay the bride price back And I sure don t think you can raise all that money The storyline in this was pretty good but I did think the pace was a little slow I did get a bit bored in places because not a lot seemed to be happening I got a bit annoyed over the hustles that Talia and her brother did but that was because they were conning people out of their money when they ve done nothing wrong it seemed unfair But I suppose the fact that Talia was being sold was unfair as well. The rest of the story revolved around the romance between Talia and Spencer and they were quite sweet together No matter what happened though I did have problems seeing a future for the relationship especially considering that Spencer s parents were wanting him to go to college The balance shifts and he pushes me against the siding instead I m not the one kissing him any Spencer is kissing me and he s slowing it down Way down It s softer easier rhythmic pulsing through me The ending to this was good although I m not 100% convinced how realistic it was would Spencer and Talia s relationship have lasted How would Talia and her brother manage to support themselves What about all the people in town they d hustled It would be really good if there was a sequel to this to let us all know how everything worked out for Talia her brother and Spencer. 5 out of 10 Young Adult

Wandering Wild By Jessica Taylor
Raised by Wanderers sixteen year old Tal travels the roads of the southern wild in her Chevy by day and camps in her tent trailer at night Hustling conning and grifting her way into just enough cash to save her fifteen year old brother Wen from bare knuckle fighting was once enough to keep her dreams of traveling the whole world at bay Everything changes when the Wanderers set up camp in a little town called Cedar Falls There Spencer Sway a boy Tal tried to hustle at a game of billiards keeps popping up into her life and worst of all into her scams Buttoned up starched and ironed Spencer talks of places where Tal s truck can t take her His promises of traveling across oceans are almost enough to shatter her love of the Wanderer life When a boy shows up at camp ready to make good on a nearly forgotten arranged marriage to Tal Tal and Wen make a pact No matter the cost they will use their limitless skills of grift to earn the bride price and buy back her future even if Spencer Sway gets used along the way Wandering Wild.


But they re both admirably strong and resilient and they can deal with anything that comes their way: Follow Jessica on Twitter at JessicaTaylorYA on Instagram at jessicataylorwrites and check out her website at site_link www. Follow Jessica on Twitter at JessicaTaylorYA on Instagram at jessicataylorwrites and check out her website at site_link www.Represented by Melissa Sarver White at Folio Literary Management.jessicataylorwrites.Represented by Melissa Sarver White at Folio Literary Management.jessicataylorwrites.Overall wandering wild but not wandering free6