Moon Cursed (The Reluctant Werewolf Chronicles Book 1) By Tori Centanni

Book Moon cursed text

I enjoyed reading this book This author is new to me so I had no expectations other then hope that the book would be good and it was Gifted copy by author L Moon Cursed The Reluctant Werewolf Chronicles Book 1 Cute story good characters Well written Just not interested enough to continue the series Moon Cursed The Reluctant Werewolf Chronicles Book 1 I really liked this book. Moon Cursed kindle cloud Charlie is a werewolf Not that she s happy about it She wanted to be a vampire Immortal But nooooo she gets to howl at the moon every month Quote It was literally the worst supernatural power ever Turn into a giant hairy beast you can t control for 12 hours every month Yay So she s very cynical Can she come to terms with being a werewolf And importantly can she survive the vicious attacks from the monster hunters The book was entertaining and fast paced It started out very humorous but soon it got really serious and full of danger I really liked it Moon Cursed The Reluctant Werewolf Chronicles Book 1 When I initially picked the book up the first couple of pages I wasn t sure and actually put it down and started another book but I m never one to give up so easily and as I ve had other books that didn t grab me from page one I picked it back up and I am so glad I did as by the second chapter I was hooked and couldn t put the book down It s a great story with strong characters and even a little sadness toward the end that make may you shed a few tears but the end keeps you wanting to know how the story will continue which I looking forward to finding out Moon Cursed The Reluctant Werewolf Chronicles Book 1 An interesting and enjoyable story though I felt that at times it was too YA like for my current reading preferences Interesting concept of a reluctant werewolf turning into a worthy heroine Moon Cursed The Reluctant Werewolf Chronicles Book 1 Tori Centanni is a nerd girl and a recovering goth She likes dark quirky stories with elements of humor When not reading or writing she can be found baking watching too much television and wrangling cats She lives in the Pacific Northwest. Book Moon cursed forged My name is Charlotte Lear and I didn t want to be a werewolf But thanks to circumstances totally beyond my control okay mostly that s what I am Now every month the full moon turns me into a hairy angry smelly wolf and all I can do is make sure I m contained so I can t hurt anyone else I m trying my best to live a normal life well as normal as possible when you re a werewolf and your best friend is dating a vampire But when the wolf who turned me insists I go to a mandatory wolf pack meeting everything changes Before I know it a group of militant monster hunters armed with silver bullets has me in their sights With the help of an annoyingly dogged but admittedly kind of sexy werewolf named Raff I have to stop the hunters before they kill me and every other werewolf they can find Moon Cursed is book one of The Reluctant Werewolf Chronicles a humorous urban fantasy series with suspense and a little bit of romance Moon Cursed The Reluctant Werewolf Chronicles Book 1 Ok so the protagonist isn t necessarily likeable for most of the book She s whiny arrogant closed minded selfish and so on Don t let that put you off She and the other characters are really well developed Their reactions ring true and that makes this a fantastic story Charlie s awful at times she can be really cringeworthy to read but her story is so honest raw and heartfelt that it leaps off the page The plot was really well done it was reasonably straight forward but I read for the characters so this suited me just fine I can t wait to read book two Moon Cursed The Reluctant Werewolf Chronicles Book 1 I read the author s most recent book first so I knew coming into this book that there would be grammatical things that annoyed me which there were such as the author going from past to present tense in the novel instead of having a consistent tense Also she doesn t use the Oxford comma which the editor in me noticed in every compound sentence Besides those two things most of the rest of the grammar was fine. Book Moon cursed island My biggest pet peeve was the main character She is so obtusely immature conceited annoying and downright bitchy that I found it hard to care about what was happening to her She matures as the story gets to the end which I suppose was the purpose of the first novel but she s so naive about what she is and refuses to learn anything even though she has a hard on for vampires and somehow knows everything about them. EPub Moon cursed images I also thought the novel had some plot holes and could have used some developmental editing Also there is a difference between a twist and trick when it comes to literature and I think the situation you find out about a certain family member of hers was a trick and not a twist There was zero foreshadowing about what went down and it came out of left field near the end of the novel I thought the fact that the werewolves called the hunters monster hunters therefore insinuating themselves as monsters while fighting the stereotype that they were monsters was a little poorly planned I felt like they wouldn t call them monster hunters after getting to know the characters. EPub Moon cursed memes I also knew going into this series because of reading Demon Fire by the author that the main character would have a problem with killing even if others were trying to kill her Which they were I wished the characters particularly the main character had the mental fortitude to do what needed to be done. Book Moon cursed forged I m invested enough to try and read the second one to see what happens I m hoping the main character continues to mature throughout the novel because she is just insufferable at the moment I don t mind her being a prick to Raff her love interest in fact I like the tension it adds I just hope she gets nicer to others who are just trying to help her and is open to hearing about her werewolf nature since she is so clueless about how anything works Moon Cursed The Reluctant Werewolf Chronicles Book 1 This was first published on my blog Lecture toute une Aventure Hardreally it wasn t easy to get into the story at first as i really disliked Charlieshe is really immature and so annoying that she got on my nerves However if you can read through these first chapters until the story and investigation really starts you won t close the book after until it s finished but yes you need to go over the first chapters first. Moon cursed sky brooks she put years in this project and for that i can admire her Now when things don t go as planned and she becomes a werewolfshe doesn t study it she isn t trying to understand no she just flatly refuse it shackles herself refuse to meet other werewolves and keep thinking they are all mindless beast. Moon cursed sky brooks After spending so much time on vampires i can see why she got disappointed but really 3years and of this childish behaviour really complaining all the time being jealous of her best friend because he could still become one. Moon Cursed paranormal cirque not even trying to research a little what she has become For me that was too stupid and childish Later in the story we learn a bit about her reason but still it was hard to warm up to her. Book Moon cursed forged Raff is the opposite it was hard not to get attached to him he is courageous funny and quite patience to cope with Charlie I really loved him and Michael is an excellent friend as well. Book Moon cursed emoji I really loved when the story really started with attempted murder on Charlie and other cases the way she is put in the middle and doesn t have time to really overthink made it very interesting as she is discovering by force what she never wanted to see and how wrong she was. Moon Cursed kindle app the investigation is fast and we can imagine the next trouble that will arise which make it even tempting to jump already on the next book but not available yet so patience it s needed There is a little humour yes but also dark moment and lots of actions There is the presence of some Lgtb allusions Damien and Michael Jessica and her girlfriend but as it wasn t the focus on the story and just allusion it didn t bother me. Moon Cursed paranormal cirque all together i did enjoy it and i m very curious to see how the author will process for the rest of the series and see if Charlie will mature a little Moon Cursed The Reluctant Werewolf Chronicles Book 1 Moon Cursed begins when Charlie becomes a werewolf in a very odd way Then three years later she still isn t used to it And things start to get complicated when someone is after her and her friends This book was okay I liked the overall idea of the story but I didn t like the heroine She complained a lot and I was frustrated with how she treated others Moon Cursed The Reluctant Werewolf Chronicles Book 1 I m trying my best to live a normal life well as normal as possible when you re a werewolf and your best friend is dating a vampire I totally enjoyed Moon Cursed book one of Tori Centanni s The Reluctant Werewolf Chronicles I ve never read anything else by her but if her other works are even half as good as this one I will definitely need to remedy that mistake Moon Cursed is a truly great urban fantasy with just the right mix of thrills excitement adventure suspense laughs and even a bit of romance I love the spunky attitude of its lead character Charlotte Lear and can already tell that s she s going down the path towards being the sort of total kick a heroine I adore Highly recommended Moon Cursed The Reluctant Werewolf Chronicles Book 1

Moon Cursed (The Reluctant Werewolf Chronicles Book 1) By Tori Centanni
Kindle Edition
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Moon Cursed (The Reluctant Werewolf Chronicles Book 1).

, Fantasy Moon cursed emoji Charlotte aka Charlie is intelligent she can really be focused on her goals and when she wants something she goes to big end to have it: Book Moon cursed text it could be an advantage but the way she is it s also the opposite as she get too close minded as a result She wanted to become a vampire. Book Moon cursed emoji so she studied them in great length managed to find some real ones and their address when it s not a well know fact they exist to start with.The plot was fine too compelling enough to keep me reading